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Get up, Stand Up ! 

A 1973 Hit Song Slogan by the great Bob Marley and Peter Tosh, today plays one of the greatest motivations in a community oriented activist. The phrase GET UP, STAND UP, stimulates our minds and souls to ACT ! Act on behalf of nature, cultural preservation, injustice, prejudice, workers rights, quality education, protecting our children, the right for peace, oppertunity and over all love for humanity.

None of the above, is worth giving up the fight, and because some choose not to give up the fight, it brought us an abundance of possibilities to those that deserved it.

Today, we are here because of the fire that ignites from such a slogan that burns down the inequalities along the path of the righteous and leave a fertile path of abundance and fruit !

Taking a stand for what you truly believe in, is the beginning of achieving it.

Nothing good comes easy, and nothing easy or cheap ain’t good.

You can look at  it like a car part, you buy a cheap part, you can bet, it wont last too long. A genuine quality part, may cost bit more and be a bit more hard to get one time, but you’ll get your monies worth and your car will thank you for it.. lol

At the end of the day what you put in, is what you will get out. Same aspect can be applied to ones health and our communities. What we put in is what we get out. Currently, not sufficient or nothing. It is one of the trending reasons why We believe our communities are not moving forward, simply because of less or no community input from it’s members.

The most we put our money into is the supermarkets in the community. But, think of it, What did the Chinese do ? They pooled their resources together and created a supply chain for us, supported by us. Some may see it as a very strategic cooperative move. So, the next question would be…. Can We pool together resources and create supply chains to meet our community members demands? The simple Answer is Yes. Why are we not doing it? Well, that may lead to a whole other paragraph.

We believe that many have tried and have lost confidence in many due to lack of transparency and accountability. These 2 simple things play great role in how we build our integrity!

Integrity – the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. “he is known to be a man of integrity”. This is what you want to be known for, its the greatest recognition one can be honored with.

We at PIH focus on just that, ‘’integrity’’. It is the foundation on what we build and assure our members principles.  

By pooling our resources such as Ideas, administration, agricultural, consulting, catering, local products, good and services, there is no doubt that we may be able to come up with some pretty cool and creative project\business developments that can be geared toward meeting our members goals. Providing a more resourceful sustainable community.

Together, we can do just that and it doesn’t take a whole heap a finance to achieve it, as every little counts. 

So, if you have an idea, community objective or mission you would like to accomplish. Or, maybe you just want to help a senior in need? It’s a good time for 2023 to put a lil effort into what you truly believe in, Join the Cooperative movement with PIHC today and express your one vote, one voice authority. 

Choose from one of our passionately crafted packages and Get up and Stand up towards achieving a cause worth investing your time , effort and resources. 

Let’s us guide you ! Together we must achieve !

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